

Back to Top
Acemoglu, Daron
Institute Professor
Adam, Matias B.
Adams, Angelique Nadine
Akinc, Bridget Scott
Senior Lecturer
Akula, John L.
Senior Lecturer, Law
Almaatouq, Abdullah
Douglas Drane Career Development Assistant Professor in Information Technology and Management
Ancona, Deborah L.
Seley Distinguished Professor of Management
Angelucci, Charles
Class of 1957 Career Development Assistant Professor
Aouad, Ali
Assistant Professor, Operations Management
Aral, Sinan
David Austin Professor of Management
Arnold, Kirk
Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Ashford, Nicholas A.
Professor of Technology & Policy Director, Technology & Law Program
Asquith, Paul
Gordon Y Billard Professor of Finance
Aulet, Bill
Ethernet Inventors Professor of the Practice at the MIT Sloan School of Management
Azoulay, Pierre
International Programs Professor of Management


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Bailyn, Lotte
T Wilson (1953) Professor of Management, Emerita
Barnett, Arnold I.
George Eastman Professor of Management Science
Barnhart, Cynthia
Abraham J. Siegel Professor of Management; Ford Foundation Professor of Engineering
Barros, Luis Spencer
Lecturer, Global Economics and Management (GEM).
Battat, Joseph J.
Senior Lecturer, Global Economics and Management
Baum, James
Senior Lecturer, TIES
Beckwith, Geoff
Lecturer, Global Economics and Management (GEM)
Bentley, Pat
Senior Lecturer, MIT Leadership Center
Berg, Florian
Research Scientist
Bergholz, Lou
Senior Lecturer, Leadership Center
Berndt, Ernst Rudolf
Louis E. Seley Professor Emeritus in Applied Economics
Bertsekas, Telis Dimitri
Lecturer and Head of the Finance Certificate
Bertsimas, Dimitris
Boeing Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management
Bhui, Rahul
Class of 1958 Career Development Assistant Professor
Birnbach, David
Lecturer, Global Economics and Management
Blackburn, Kara
Senior Lecturer, Managerial Communication
Bokel Herde, Adriana
Lecturer, Global Organizations Lab
Bonatti, Alessandro
John Norris Maguire (1960) Professor
Boucher, Kimberly
Senior Lecturer, TIES
Breslow, Lori
Senior Lecturer, Managerial Communication
Bucher, Stefan
Budden, Phil
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Butler, James F.


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Carrier, John
Senior Lecturer, System Dynamics
Carroll, John S.
Gordon Kaufman Professor of Management, Emeritus
Castilla, Emilio J.
NTU Professor of Management
Catalini, Christian
Research Scientist
Chatterjee, Sharmila C.
Academic Head, Enterprise Management Certificate; Senior Lecturer, Marketing
Cheek, Paul
Executive Director, Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship and Senior Lecturer, MIT Sloan
Chen, Hui
Nomura Professor of Finance
Chilton, Court
Senior Lecturer, Work and Organization Studies
Choukhmane, Taha
Class of 1947 Career Development Assistant Professor
Chu, Johan
Sarofim Family Career Development Assistant Professor
Chu, Zen
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Cohen, Jake
Senior Associate Dean; Senior Lecturer in Accounting, Ethics, and Law
Core, John E.
Nanyang Technological University Professor of Accounting
Costello, Thomas
Postdoctoral Associate
Cox, John C.
Nomura Professor of Finance, Emeritus
Cullen, Christopher Scott
Lecturer in Communications
Curhan, Jared R.
Gordon Kaufman Professor of Management
Curtis, Dorothy W
Research Scientist
Cusumano, Michael A.
Sloan Management Review Distinguished Professor of Management


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Dahleh, Munther A.
William A. Coolidge Professor
Davis, John A.
Senior Lecturer, Family Enterprise
Demirer, Mert
Ford Foundation International Career Development Assistant Professor
de Moor, Danique
Postdoctoral Fellow
DeVito, Anthony R.
Dharan, Bala
Visiting Professor, Accounting
Diaz-Linhart, Yaminette
Postdoctoral Associate
Donkor, Kwabena B
MLK Visiting Scholar
Dougherty, Jim
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Doyle, Joseph
Erwin H. Schell Professor of Management


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Eberly, Janice
Golub Distinguished Senior Fellow
Eckles, Dean
William F. Pounds Associate Professor of Management
Eppinger, Steven
General Motors Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management


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Farboodi, Maryam
Jon D. Gruber Career Development Associate Professor
Farias, Vivek F.
Patrick J. McGovern (1959) Professor
Fazel Zarandi, Mohammad Mehdi
Senior Lecturer, Operations Management; Research Scientist
Fernandez, Roberto
Professor; William F. Pounds Professor in Management
Fine, Charles
Chrysler Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management
Fischer, William
Senior Lecturer, Operations Management
Fleming, Jonathan J.
Senior Lecturer, Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
Forbes, Kristin J.
Jerome and Dorothy Lemelson Professor of Management
Franck, Travis
Research Affiliate
Freund, Daniel
Assistant Professor, Operations Management
Freund, Robert M.
Theresa Seley Professor in Management Science


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Gamarnik, David D.
Nanyang Technological University Professor of Operations Research
Ghadiri, Mehrdad
Postdoctoral Associate
Giardella, Daena
Senior Lecturer, MIT Leadership Center
Gibbons, Robert
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management
Golding, Edward
Executive Director MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy/Senior Lecturer
Golrezaei, Negin (Nicki)
W. Maurice Young (1961) Career Development Associate Professor of Management
Gosline, Renee Richardson
Senior Lecturer
Grant, John C.
Senior Lecturer, International Action Learning Programs (G-Lab, China/India Lab, GO-Lab)
Graves, Stephen C.
Abraham J. Siegel Professor Post Tenure of Management
Gregersen, Hal
Senior Lecturer, Work and Organization Studies
Gregory, Nathaniel
Senior Lecturer, Finance
Gupta, Swati
Class of 1947 Career Development Associate Professor


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Hadzima, Joseph G.
Senior Lecturer, Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
Hafrey, Leigh
Senior Lecturer, Communication and Ethics
Halligan, Brian P.
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Hanlon, Michelle
Howard W. Johnson Professor
Hartman, Neal
Senior Lecturer, Managerial Communication
Hauser, John R.
Kirin Professor of Marketing
Healy-Tangney, Virginia
Senior Lecturer, Managerial Communication
Hickey, Kit
Senior Lecturer and Entrepreneur in Residence
Hirst, Peter
Senior Associate Dean, Executive Education
Holmstrom, Bengt
Paul A. Samuelson Professor of Economics, Emeritus
Horton, John J.
Associate Professor, Information Technology
Huang, Yasheng
Epoch Foundation Professor of International Management
Hynes, Tod
Senior Lecturer, Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship


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Iacobo, Cathy Louise
Lecturer, Global Economics and Management
Isaacs, Kate W.
Senior Lecturer


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Jacoby, Henry Donnan
William F. Pounds Professor of Management Emeritus
Jacquillat, Alexandre
Maurice F. Strong Career Development Associate Professor
Jaillet, Patrick
Dugald C. Jackson Professor
Jalali, Mohammad
Senior Lecturer
Jay, Jason
Senior Lecturer, Sustainability
Jester, Michellana
Senior Lecturer, Global Economics and Management
Jónasson, Jónas Oddur
Robert G. James Career Development Associate Professor in Operations Management
Johnson, Elsbeth
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Johnson, Kevin D.
Senior Lecturer, Technological , Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Strategic Management
Johnson, Simon
Ronald A. Kurtz (1954) Professor of Entrepreneurship
Ju, Harang
Postdoctoral Associate


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Kala, Namrata
Associate Professor, Applied Economics
Kane, Charles
Senior Lecturer, Global Economics and Management and Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Katz, Ralph
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Kaufman, Gordon
Morris A. Adelman Professor of Management, Emeritus
Kazakoff, Miro
Senior Lecturer, Managerial Communication
Keating, Scott
Keith, David R.
Research Associate
Senior Lecturer
Keith, Ted
Senior Lecturer, Finance
Kellogg, Kate
David J. McGrath jr (1959) Professor of Management and Innovation
Kelly, Christine
Senior Lecturer, Managerial Communication
Kelly, Erin
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Work and Organization Studies
Keselman, Gene R.
Kieffer, Donald
Senior Lecturer, Operations Management
Klein, Janice
Senior Lecturer, Organizational Change, Emerita
Knittel, Christopher
Associate Dean for Climate and Sustainability
George P. Shultz Professor
Kochan, Thomas
George Maverick Bunker Professor of Management, Emeritus
Kogan, Leonid
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Professor of Management
Kossuth Cabrejos, Jorge Lajos
Postdoctoral Associate
Kothari, S.P.
Gordon Y Billard Professor of Accounting and Finance
Kressy, Matthew
Senior Lecturer
Kritzman, Mark P.
Senior Lecturer, Finance
Krusell, Stuart
Senior Director, Global Programs; Senior Lecturer, Behavioral and Policy Sciences
Kumar, Madhav
Postdoctoral Associate
Kuo, Yu-Ting
Kwong, Jillian
Research Scientist


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Larsen, Hillary Anne
Lauinger, Dirk
Postdoctoral Associate
Lazu, Malia C
Lecturer, TIES
Lehman, Roger
Senior Lecturer
Lessard, Donald Roy
Epoch Foundation Professor of International Management, Emeritus
Levine, Jordan
Lecturer in Operations Research and Statistics
Levi, Retsef
J. Spencer Standish (1945) Professor of Management
Li, Danielle
David Sarnoff Professor of Management of Technology
Lide, Chelsea R.
Assistant Professor, Work and Organization Studies
Ligris, Kosta
Lecturer, Technological, Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Strategic Management
Li, Jing
Lin, Hause
Postdoctoral Associate
Little, John D.C.
Institute Professor, Emeritus
Liu, Tong
Judy C. Lewent (1972) and Mark Shapiro Career Development Assistant Professor of Finance
Lo, Andrew W.
Charles E. and Susan T. Harris Professor
Loessberg, Shari
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Lucas, Deborah J.
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Finance
Lu, Haihao
Assistant Professor, Operations Research and Statistics
Lu, Jackson G.
Sloan School Career Development Associate Professor of Work and Organization Studies
Lykouris, Thodoris
Mitsui Career Development Assistant Professor


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Madnick, Stuart
John Norris Maguire (1960) Professor of Information Technology
Magnanti, Thomas
Institute Professor
Makarin, Alexey
Mitsubishi Career Development Assistant Professor in International Management
Malone, Thomas W.
Patrick J. McGovern (1959) Professor of Management
Matveyev, Egor
Senior Lecturer and Research Scientist in Finance
Mazumder, Rahul
Nanyang Technological University Associate Professor of Operations Research and Statistics
McAfee, Andrew Paul
Principal Research Scientist
McKersie, Robert B.
Professor Emeritus of Management
Mehrotra, Arathi
Senior Lecturer, Managerial Communication
Meldman, Jeffrey A.
Senior Lecturer, Law
Mende, Paul F.
Senior Lecturer, Finance
Merton, Robert C.
School of Management Distinguished Professor of Finance
Metcalf, Gilbert E
Visiting Professor of Management
Michaels, Harvey
Lecturer, System Dynamics and Information Technology
Mijovic-Prelec, Danica
Research Scientist
Morrison, J. Bradley
Senior Lecturer, Leaders for Global Operations Program
Mota, Lira
Class of 1958 Career Development Assistant Professor
Mueller, Benjamin
Research Scientist
Muir, Ellen
Assistant Professor, Applied Economics
Murray, Fiona E.
William Porter (1967) Professor of Entrepreneurship
Myers, Stewart
Robert C. Merton (1970) Professor of Financial Economics, Emeritus


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Nachtrieb, Robert
Senior Lecturer, System Dynamics
Nandakumar, Girish Sreevatsan
Research Scientist
Neal, Susan
Neeson, John
Noe, Christopher F.
Senior Lecturer, Accounting
Novelli, Piero Augusto
Senior Lecturer, Finance


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O'Flanagan, Sinéad
Senior Lecturer, Information Technology
Orlikowski, Wanda
Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Management
Orlin, James B.
E. Pennell Brooks (1917) Professor in Management
Orphanides, Athanasios
Professor of the Practice, Global Economics and Management
Osterman, Paul
Nanyang Technological University Professor Emeritus
O'Sullivan, Francis
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management


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Palmer, Christopher J.
Associate Professor, Finance
Pal, Ranjan
Research Scientist
Parker, Jonathan A.
Robert C. Merton (1970) Professor of Financial Economics
Patel, Dipul
Pathak, Parag
MIT Professor
Patten, Bethany
Senior Lecturer, Sustainability; Executive Director, MIT Climate Policy Center
Pearlson, Keri
Executive Director, CAMS
Pentland, Sandy
Toshiba Professor of Media Arts & Science
Perakis, Georgia
John C Head III Dean (Interim), MIT Sloan School of Management
Phillips, Matt
Silverman (1968) Family Career Development Assistant Professor
Piepenbrock, Theodore
Postdoctoral Associate
Pindyck, Robert S.
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Ltd Professor in Finance and Economics
Pittore, Roberta
Senior Lecturer, Managerial Communications
Pless, Jacquelyn
Fred Kayne (1960) Career Development Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship
Podimata, Chara
Class of 1942 Career Development Assistant Professor
Poggio, Tomaso A.
Eugene McDermott Professor
Poterba, James Michael
MIT Professor
Pozen, Robert C.
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Prelec, Drazen
Digital Equipment Corp. Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management
Purinton, Tracy
Senior Lecturer and Advisor, MIT Leadership Center


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Qirko, Oli
Lecturer, Global Organizations Lab
Quaadgras, Anne
Senior Lecturer, Operations Management


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Raghavan, Manish
Drew Houston (2005) Career Development Professor
Rahmandad, Hazhir
Schussel Family Professor of Management Science
Ramakrishnan, Rama
Professor of the Practice, AI/ML
Rand, David G.
Erwin H. Schell Professor
Rao, Gita R.
Senior Lecturer, Finance; Assoc. Faculty Director, MFin Program
Ready, Douglas
Senior Lecturer, Work and Organization Studies
Reagans, Ray
Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Management
Regan, Meg
Senior Director, Executive Programs & Lecturer, Work & Organizational Studies
Reilly, John M.
Senior Lecturer and Co-Director of the Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change
Repenning, Nelson P.
School of Management Distinguished Professor of System Dynamics and Organization Studies
Rhee, James C.
Senior Lecturer
Rhodes-Kropf, Matthew
Visiting Associate Professor, Finance
Richardson, John
Lecturer, Work and Organization Studies
Rigobon, Roberto
Society of Sloan Fellows Professor of Management
Rilinger, Georg
Fred Kayne (1960) Career Development Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship
Robertson, David
Senior Lecturer, Operations Management
Rodriques, Louis Anthony
Senior Lecturer
Roemer, Thomas
Director, Leaders for Global Operations Senior Lecturer, Operations Management
Rosengren, Eric
Research Scientist
Rothman, Matthew
Senior Lecturer, Finance
Rowe, Mary
Adjunct Professor, Work and Organization Studies
Ruane, Jonathan
Lecturer, Global Economics and Management
Ru, Hong
Visiting Associate Professor of Finance


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Samel, Hiram
Senior Lecturer
Sartori, Anne
Research Scientist
Sastry, Anjali
Senior Lecturer, Global Economics and Management
Sayeed, Imran
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Scharmer, Otto
Senior Lecturer, Work and Organization Studies
Schmalensee, Richard
Howard W. Johnson Professor of Management, Emeritus
Schmidt, Lawrence D. W.
Victor J. Menezes (1972) Career Development Assistant Professor of Finance
Schmittlein, David C.
Professor of Marketing; Former Dean (2007-2024)
Schoar, Antoinette
Stewart C. Myers-Horn Family Professor of Finance
Scott, Erin L.
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Scott Morton, Michael Stewart
Jay W. Forrester Professor of Management (Emeritus)
Sebastian, Ina Maria
Research Scientist
Senge, Peter M.
Senior Lecturer, Leadership and Sustainability
Shapira, Aithan
Lecturer, Work and Organization Studies
Sherif, Dina
Senior Lecturer
Executive Director, Center for Development and Entrepreneurship
Shields, Ben
Senior Lecturer, Managerial Communication
Shroff, Nemit
School of Management Distinguished Professor
Siani, Kerry Y.
Class of 1958 Career Development Assistant Professor
Siegel, Michael D.
Principal Research Scientist
Silbey, Susan
Leon and Anne Goldberg Professor of Humanities
Simester, Duncan
NTU Professor of Marketing
So, Eric
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Global Economics and Management
Spear, Steven
Senior Lecturer, System Dynamics
Springer, Shira
Stagnaro, Michael Nicholas
Postdoctoral Associate
Stansbury, Anna
Class of 1948 Career Development Assistant Professor
Sterman, John D.
Jay W. Forrester Professor of Management
Stern, Scott
David Sarnoff Professor of Management of Technology
Stjernfeldt, Carl
Lecturer, Finance
Stoker, Thomas
Gordon Y Billard Professor in Management and Economics, Emeritus
Sull, Donald
Professor of the Practice
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Sun, Andy
Iberdrola-Avangrid Professor in Electric Power Systems
Suri, Tavneet
Louis E. Seley Professor of Applied Economics
Sutherland, Andrew Gordon
Associate Professor, Accounting


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Tan, Jayne
Lecturer, Global Economics and Management (GEM)
Telio, Allan Jaques
Lecturer, Communications
Tewfik, Basima
Assistant Professor, Work and Organization Studies
Thesmar, David
Franco Modigliani Professor of Financial Economics
Thompson, Neil
Research Scientist
Thut, Cathy
Lecturer, Global Organizations Lab
Ton, Zeynep
Professor of the Practice, Operations Management
Torous, Walter
Senior Lecturer
Trichakis, Nikos
Associate Dean (Interim) of Social and Ethical Responsibilities of Computing, MIT Schwarzman College of Computing and MIT Sloan
J.C. Penney Professor of Management
Triner, Donald Richard
Tucker, Catherine
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management
Turco, Catherine J.
Michael M. Koerner (1949) Professor of Entrepreneurship


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Urban, Glen
MIT Sloan School Dean, Emeritus
David Austin Professor in Marketing, Emeritus
Utterback, James M.
David J. McGrath jr (1959) Professor of Management and Innovation, Emeritus


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van der Meulen, Nick
Research Scientist
van Loon, Austin
Assistant Professor, Work and Organization Studies
Van Maanen, John
Erwin H. Schell Professor of Management Emeritus
Vartak, Bhushan
Lecturer, Finance
Vatter, Ben
Class of 1943 Career Development Assistant Professor
Venna, Nagarjuna
Senior Lecturer
Verdelhan, Adrien
Stephens Naphtal Professor of Finance
Verdi, Rodrigo
Nanyang Technological University Professor of Accounting
Verner, Emil
Albert F. (1942) & Jeanne P. Clear Career Development Associate Professor in Global Management
Vetter, Felix W.
Assistant Professor, Accounting
Viceisza, Angelino
MLK Visiting Scholar
Videgaray, Luis
Senior Lecturer
Director of MIT AI Policy for the World Project
von Hippel, Eric Arthur
T. Wilson (1953) Professor in Management


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Wang, Jiang
Mizuho Financial Group Professor
Watts, Ross L.
Professor, Accounting, Emeritus
Weber, Joseph P.
George Maverick Bunker Professor of Management
Webster, Melissa
Lecturer, Managerial Communication
Weil, Henry B.
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Weill, Peter
Senior Research Scientist
Weiss, Lawrence
Welsch, Roy E.
Eastman Kodak Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management
Wernerfelt, Birger
J. C. Penney Professor of Management Science, Emeritus
Werning, Ivan
MIT Professor
Westerman, George F
Principal Research Scientist
Westney, D Eleanor
Society of Sloan Fellows Professor of International Management
Whinston, Michael
Sloan Fellows Professor of Management
White, Alan F
Senior Associate Dean Emeritus and Senior Lecturer Emeritus
White, Dana
Willems, Sean Peter
Visiting Professor, Operations Management
Wilmers, Nathan
Sarofim Family Career Development Associate Professor
Wixom, Barbara
Principal Research Scientist
Wladawsky-Berger, Irving
Woerner, Stephanie
Principal Research Scientist
Wolfram, Catherine
William Barton Rogers Professor in Energy


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Xie, Chloe L.
Zenon Zannetos (1955) Career Development Assistant Professor in Accounting


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Yang, Vicky Chuqiao
Richard S. Leghorn (1939) Career Development Assistant Professor in Management of Technological Innovation
Yates, JoAnne
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management, Emerita
Yoeli, Erez
Research Scientist


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Zarur, Andrey
Lecturer, Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
Zhang, Juanjuan
John D. C. Little Professor of Marketing
Zhang, Xiaoyue
Postdoctoral Associate
Zhao, Chaoyi
Postdoctoral Associate
Zheng, Y. Karen
George M. Bunker Associate Professor
Zhu, Haoxiang
Gordon Y Billard Associate Professor of Finance
Zuckerman Sivan, Ezra W.
Alvin J. Siteman (1948) Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategy


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Cohen, Jake
Senior Associate Dean; Senior Lecturer in Accounting, Ethics, and Law
Core, John E.
Nanyang Technological University Professor of Accounting
Dharan, Bala
Visiting Professor, Accounting
Hanlon, Michelle
Howard W. Johnson Professor
Kothari, S.P.
Gordon Y Billard Professor of Accounting and Finance
Noe, Christopher F.
Senior Lecturer, Accounting
Phillips, Matt
Silverman (1968) Family Career Development Assistant Professor
Shroff, Nemit
School of Management Distinguished Professor
Sutherland, Andrew Gordon
Associate Professor, Accounting
Verdi, Rodrigo
Nanyang Technological University Professor of Accounting
Vetter, Felix W.
Assistant Professor, Accounting
Watts, Ross L.
Professor, Accounting, Emeritus
Weber, Joseph P.
George Maverick Bunker Professor of Management
Xie, Chloe L.
Zenon Zannetos (1955) Career Development Assistant Professor in Accounting

Applied Economics

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Angelucci, Charles
Class of 1957 Career Development Assistant Professor
Berndt, Ernst Rudolf
Louis E. Seley Professor Emeritus in Applied Economics
Bonatti, Alessandro
John Norris Maguire (1960) Professor
Demirer, Mert
Ford Foundation International Career Development Assistant Professor
Doyle, Joseph
Erwin H. Schell Professor of Management
Gibbons, Robert
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management
Holmstrom, Bengt
Paul A. Samuelson Professor of Economics, Emeritus
Jacoby, Henry Donnan
William F. Pounds Professor of Management Emeritus
Kala, Namrata
Associate Professor, Applied Economics
Knittel, Christopher
Associate Dean for Climate and Sustainability
George P. Shultz Professor
Li, Jing
Makarin, Alexey
Mitsubishi Career Development Assistant Professor in International Management
Metcalf, Gilbert E
Visiting Professor of Management
Muir, Ellen
Assistant Professor, Applied Economics
Pindyck, Robert S.
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Ltd Professor in Finance and Economics
Rigobon, Roberto
Society of Sloan Fellows Professor of Management
Schmalensee, Richard
Howard W. Johnson Professor of Management, Emeritus
Stoker, Thomas
Gordon Y Billard Professor in Management and Economics, Emeritus
Suri, Tavneet
Louis E. Seley Professor of Applied Economics
Vatter, Ben
Class of 1943 Career Development Assistant Professor
Viceisza, Angelino
MLK Visiting Scholar
Whinston, Michael
Sloan Fellows Professor of Management
Wolfram, Catherine
William Barton Rogers Professor in Energy


Back to Top
Asquith, Paul
Gordon Y Billard Professor of Finance
Bertsekas, Telis Dimitri
Lecturer and Head of the Finance Certificate
Chen, Hui
Nomura Professor of Finance
Choukhmane, Taha
Class of 1947 Career Development Assistant Professor
Cox, John C.
Nomura Professor of Finance, Emeritus
Eberly, Janice
Golub Distinguished Senior Fellow
Farboodi, Maryam
Jon D. Gruber Career Development Associate Professor
Gregory, Nathaniel
Senior Lecturer, Finance
Kogan, Leonid
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Professor of Management
Kritzman, Mark P.
Senior Lecturer, Finance
Liu, Tong
Judy C. Lewent (1972) and Mark Shapiro Career Development Assistant Professor of Finance
Lo, Andrew W.
Charles E. and Susan T. Harris Professor
Lucas, Deborah J.
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Finance
Matveyev, Egor
Senior Lecturer and Research Scientist in Finance
Mende, Paul F.
Senior Lecturer, Finance
Merton, Robert C.
School of Management Distinguished Professor of Finance
Mota, Lira
Class of 1958 Career Development Assistant Professor
Myers, Stewart
Robert C. Merton (1970) Professor of Financial Economics, Emeritus
Novelli, Piero Augusto
Senior Lecturer, Finance
Palmer, Christopher J.
Associate Professor, Finance
Parker, Jonathan A.
Robert C. Merton (1970) Professor of Financial Economics
Rao, Gita R.
Senior Lecturer, Finance; Assoc. Faculty Director, MFin Program
Rhodes-Kropf, Matthew
Visiting Associate Professor, Finance
Rothman, Matthew
Senior Lecturer, Finance
Ru, Hong
Visiting Associate Professor of Finance
Schmidt, Lawrence D. W.
Victor J. Menezes (1972) Career Development Assistant Professor of Finance
Schoar, Antoinette
Stewart C. Myers-Horn Family Professor of Finance
Siani, Kerry Y.
Class of 1958 Career Development Assistant Professor
Stjernfeldt, Carl
Lecturer, Finance
Thesmar, David
Franco Modigliani Professor of Financial Economics
Vartak, Bhushan
Lecturer, Finance
Verdelhan, Adrien
Stephens Naphtal Professor of Finance
Verner, Emil
Albert F. (1942) & Jeanne P. Clear Career Development Associate Professor in Global Management
Wang, Jiang
Mizuho Financial Group Professor
Weiss, Lawrence
Zhu, Haoxiang
Gordon Y Billard Associate Professor of Finance
Acemoglu, Daron
Institute Professor
Dahleh, Munther A.
William A. Coolidge Professor
Pathak, Parag
MIT Professor
Poggio, Tomaso A.
Eugene McDermott Professor
Poterba, James Michael
MIT Professor
So, Eric
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Global Economics and Management
Werning, Ivan
MIT Professor

Global Economics and Management

Back to Top
Adam, Matias B.
Barros, Luis Spencer
Lecturer, Global Economics and Management (GEM).
Battat, Joseph J.
Senior Lecturer, Global Economics and Management
Beckwith, Geoff
Lecturer, Global Economics and Management (GEM)
Birnbach, David
Lecturer, Global Economics and Management
Bokel Herde, Adriana
Lecturer, Global Organizations Lab
Forbes, Kristin J.
Jerome and Dorothy Lemelson Professor of Management
Grant, John C.
Senior Lecturer, International Action Learning Programs (G-Lab, China/India Lab, GO-Lab)
Huang, Yasheng
Epoch Foundation Professor of International Management
Iacobo, Cathy Louise
Lecturer, Global Economics and Management
Jester, Michellana
Senior Lecturer, Global Economics and Management
Johnson, Simon
Ronald A. Kurtz (1954) Professor of Entrepreneurship
Kane, Charles
Senior Lecturer, Global Economics and Management and Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Krusell, Stuart
Senior Director, Global Programs; Senior Lecturer, Behavioral and Policy Sciences
Lessard, Donald Roy
Epoch Foundation Professor of International Management, Emeritus
Orphanides, Athanasios
Professor of the Practice, Global Economics and Management
Qirko, Oli
Lecturer, Global Organizations Lab
Ruane, Jonathan
Lecturer, Global Economics and Management
Samel, Hiram
Senior Lecturer
Sastry, Anjali
Senior Lecturer, Global Economics and Management
So, Eric
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Global Economics and Management
Tan, Jayne
Lecturer, Global Economics and Management (GEM)
Thut, Cathy
Lecturer, Global Organizations Lab
Videgaray, Luis
Senior Lecturer
Director of MIT AI Policy for the World Project
Westney, D Eleanor
Society of Sloan Fellows Professor of International Management

Information Technology

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Almaatouq, Abdullah
Douglas Drane Career Development Assistant Professor in Information Technology and Management
Aral, Sinan
David Austin Professor of Management
Horton, John J.
Associate Professor, Information Technology
Madnick, Stuart
John Norris Maguire (1960) Professor of Information Technology
Malone, Thomas W.
Patrick J. McGovern (1959) Professor of Management
O'Flanagan, Sinéad
Senior Lecturer, Information Technology
Orlikowski, Wanda
Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Management
Pearlson, Keri
Executive Director, CAMS
Pentland, Sandy
Toshiba Professor of Media Arts & Science
Raghavan, Manish
Drew Houston (2005) Career Development Professor
Siegel, Michael D.
Principal Research Scientist
Weill, Peter
Senior Research Scientist
Westerman, George F
Principal Research Scientist
Wladawsky-Berger, Irving
Woerner, Stephanie
Principal Research Scientist
Michaels, Harvey
Lecturer, System Dynamics and Information Technology
Yates, JoAnne
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management, Emerita


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Akula, John L.
Senior Lecturer, Law
Meldman, Jeffrey A.
Senior Lecturer, Law
Rodriques, Louis Anthony
Senior Lecturer
Cohen, Jake
Senior Associate Dean; Senior Lecturer in Accounting, Ethics, and Law

Managerial Communication

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Blackburn, Kara
Senior Lecturer, Managerial Communication
Breslow, Lori
Senior Lecturer, Managerial Communication
Hafrey, Leigh
Senior Lecturer, Communication and Ethics
Hartman, Neal
Senior Lecturer, Managerial Communication
Healy-Tangney, Virginia
Senior Lecturer, Managerial Communication
Kelly, Christine
Senior Lecturer, Managerial Communication
Mehrotra, Arathi
Senior Lecturer, Managerial Communication
Pittore, Roberta
Senior Lecturer, Managerial Communications
Shields, Ben
Senior Lecturer, Managerial Communication
Springer, Shira
Telio, Allan Jaques
Lecturer, Communications
Webster, Melissa
Lecturer, Managerial Communication
Yates, JoAnne
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management, Emerita


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Bhui, Rahul
Class of 1958 Career Development Assistant Professor
Chatterjee, Sharmila C.
Academic Head, Enterprise Management Certificate; Senior Lecturer, Marketing
Eckles, Dean
William F. Pounds Associate Professor of Management
Gosline, Renee Richardson
Senior Lecturer
Hauser, John R.
Kirin Professor of Marketing
Kumar, Madhav
Postdoctoral Associate
Little, John D.C.
Institute Professor, Emeritus
Prelec, Drazen
Digital Equipment Corp. Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management
Rand, David G.
Erwin H. Schell Professor
Schmittlein, David C.
Professor of Marketing; Former Dean (2007-2024)
Simester, Duncan
NTU Professor of Marketing
Triner, Donald Richard
Tucker, Catherine
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management
Urban, Glen
MIT Sloan School Dean, Emeritus
David Austin Professor in Marketing, Emeritus
Wernerfelt, Birger
J. C. Penney Professor of Management Science, Emeritus
Zhang, Juanjuan
John D. C. Little Professor of Marketing
Aral, Sinan
David Austin Professor of Management

Operations Management

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Aouad, Ali
Assistant Professor, Operations Management
Eppinger, Steven
General Motors Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management
Farias, Vivek F.
Patrick J. McGovern (1959) Professor
Fazel Zarandi, Mohammad Mehdi
Senior Lecturer, Operations Management; Research Scientist
Fine, Charles
Chrysler Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management
Fischer, William
Senior Lecturer, Operations Management
Freund, Daniel
Assistant Professor, Operations Management
Golrezaei, Negin (Nicki)
W. Maurice Young (1961) Career Development Associate Professor of Management
Graves, Stephen C.
Abraham J. Siegel Professor Post Tenure of Management
Jónasson, Jónas Oddur
Robert G. James Career Development Associate Professor in Operations Management
Kieffer, Donald
Senior Lecturer, Operations Management
Levi, Retsef
J. Spencer Standish (1945) Professor of Management
Lykouris, Thodoris
Mitsui Career Development Assistant Professor
Perakis, Georgia
John C Head III Dean (Interim), MIT Sloan School of Management
Quaadgras, Anne
Senior Lecturer, Operations Management
Robertson, David
Senior Lecturer, Operations Management
Roemer, Thomas
Director, Leaders for Global Operations Senior Lecturer, Operations Management
Ton, Zeynep
Professor of the Practice, Operations Management
Trichakis, Nikos
Associate Dean (Interim) of Social and Ethical Responsibilities of Computing, MIT Schwarzman College of Computing and MIT Sloan
J.C. Penney Professor of Management
Willems, Sean Peter
Visiting Professor, Operations Management
Zheng, Y. Karen
George M. Bunker Associate Professor

Operations Research and Statistics

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Barnett, Arnold I.
George Eastman Professor of Management Science
Barnhart, Cynthia
Abraham J. Siegel Professor of Management; Ford Foundation Professor of Engineering
Bertsimas, Dimitris
Boeing Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management
Butler, James F.
Freund, Robert M.
Theresa Seley Professor in Management Science
Gamarnik, David D.
Nanyang Technological University Professor of Operations Research
Gupta, Swati
Class of 1947 Career Development Associate Professor
Jacquillat, Alexandre
Maurice F. Strong Career Development Associate Professor
Kaufman, Gordon
Morris A. Adelman Professor of Management, Emeritus
Levine, Jordan
Lecturer in Operations Research and Statistics
Lu, Haihao
Assistant Professor, Operations Research and Statistics
Magnanti, Thomas
Institute Professor
Mazumder, Rahul
Nanyang Technological University Associate Professor of Operations Research and Statistics
Orlin, James B.
E. Pennell Brooks (1917) Professor in Management
Podimata, Chara
Class of 1942 Career Development Assistant Professor
Ramakrishnan, Rama
Professor of the Practice, AI/ML
Sun, Andy
Iberdrola-Avangrid Professor in Electric Power Systems
Welsch, Roy E.
Eastman Kodak Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management
Perakis, Georgia
John C Head III Dean (Interim), MIT Sloan School of Management

System Dynamics

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Carrier, John
Senior Lecturer, System Dynamics
Chu, Johan
Sarofim Family Career Development Assistant Professor
Keith, David R.
Research Associate
Senior Lecturer
Michaels, Harvey
Lecturer, System Dynamics and Information Technology
Morrison, J. Bradley
Senior Lecturer, Leaders for Global Operations Program
Nachtrieb, Robert
Senior Lecturer, System Dynamics
Rahmandad, Hazhir
Schussel Family Professor of Management Science
Reilly, John M.
Senior Lecturer and Co-Director of the Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change
Repenning, Nelson P.
School of Management Distinguished Professor of System Dynamics and Organization Studies
Spear, Steven
Senior Lecturer, System Dynamics
Sterman, John D.
Jay W. Forrester Professor of Management
Yang, Vicky Chuqiao
Richard S. Leghorn (1939) Career Development Assistant Professor in Management of Technological Innovation
Fine, Charles
Chrysler Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management
Franck, Travis
Research Affiliate
Kieffer, Donald
Senior Lecturer, Operations Management
Senge, Peter M.
Senior Lecturer, Leadership and Sustainability

Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management

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Arnold, Kirk
Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Aulet, Bill
Ethernet Inventors Professor of the Practice at the MIT Sloan School of Management
Azoulay, Pierre
International Programs Professor of Management
Baum, James
Senior Lecturer, TIES
Boucher, Kimberly
Senior Lecturer, TIES
Budden, Phil
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Catalini, Christian
Research Scientist
Cheek, Paul
Executive Director, Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship and Senior Lecturer, MIT Sloan
Chu, Zen
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Cusumano, Michael A.
Sloan Management Review Distinguished Professor of Management
Dougherty, Jim
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Fleming, Jonathan J.
Senior Lecturer, Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
Hadzima, Joseph G.
Senior Lecturer, Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
Halligan, Brian P.
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Hickey, Kit
Senior Lecturer and Entrepreneur in Residence
Hynes, Tod
Senior Lecturer, Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
Johnson, Elsbeth
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Johnson, Kevin D.
Senior Lecturer, Technological , Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Strategic Management
Katz, Ralph
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Keselman, Gene R.
Kuo, Yu-Ting
Lazu, Malia C
Lecturer, TIES
Li, Danielle
David Sarnoff Professor of Management of Technology
Ligris, Kosta
Lecturer, Technological, Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Strategic Management
Loessberg, Shari
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Murray, Fiona E.
William Porter (1967) Professor of Entrepreneurship
Neal, Susan
Neeson, John
O'Sullivan, Francis
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Patel, Dipul
Pless, Jacquelyn
Fred Kayne (1960) Career Development Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship
Pozen, Robert C.
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Rilinger, Georg
Fred Kayne (1960) Career Development Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship
Sayeed, Imran
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Scott, Erin L.
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Scott Morton, Michael Stewart
Jay W. Forrester Professor of Management (Emeritus)
Sherif, Dina
Senior Lecturer
Executive Director, Center for Development and Entrepreneurship
Stern, Scott
David Sarnoff Professor of Management of Technology
Sull, Donald
Professor of the Practice
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Thompson, Neil
Research Scientist
Turco, Catherine J.
Michael M. Koerner (1949) Professor of Entrepreneurship
Utterback, James M.
David J. McGrath jr (1959) Professor of Management and Innovation, Emeritus
Venna, Nagarjuna
Senior Lecturer
von Hippel, Eric Arthur
T. Wilson (1953) Professor in Management
Weil, Henry B.
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Zarur, Andrey
Lecturer, Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
Zuckerman Sivan, Ezra W.
Alvin J. Siteman (1948) Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategy
Eppinger, Steven
General Motors Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management
Kane, Charles
Senior Lecturer, Global Economics and Management and Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Lessard, Donald Roy
Epoch Foundation Professor of International Management, Emeritus
Pindyck, Robert S.
Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Ltd Professor in Finance and Economics

Work and Organization Studies

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Adams, Angelique Nadine
Akinc, Bridget Scott
Senior Lecturer
Ancona, Deborah L.
Seley Distinguished Professor of Management
Ashford, Nicholas A.
Professor of Technology & Policy Director, Technology & Law Program
Bailyn, Lotte
T Wilson (1953) Professor of Management, Emerita
Bentley, Pat
Senior Lecturer, MIT Leadership Center
Bergholz, Lou
Senior Lecturer, Leadership Center
Carroll, John S.
Gordon Kaufman Professor of Management, Emeritus
Castilla, Emilio J.
NTU Professor of Management
Chilton, Court
Senior Lecturer, Work and Organization Studies
Cullen, Christopher Scott
Lecturer in Communications
Curhan, Jared R.
Gordon Kaufman Professor of Management
Davis, John A.
Senior Lecturer, Family Enterprise
Fernandez, Roberto
Professor; William F. Pounds Professor in Management
Giardella, Daena
Senior Lecturer, MIT Leadership Center
Gregersen, Hal
Senior Lecturer, Work and Organization Studies
Isaacs, Kate W.
Senior Lecturer
Jay, Jason
Senior Lecturer, Sustainability
Kazakoff, Miro
Senior Lecturer, Managerial Communication
Kellogg, Kate
David J. McGrath jr (1959) Professor of Management and Innovation
Kelly, Erin
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Work and Organization Studies
Kochan, Thomas
George Maverick Bunker Professor of Management, Emeritus
Lide, Chelsea R.
Assistant Professor, Work and Organization Studies
Lu, Jackson G.
Sloan School Career Development Associate Professor of Work and Organization Studies
McKersie, Robert B.
Professor Emeritus of Management
Osterman, Paul
Nanyang Technological University Professor Emeritus
Patten, Bethany
Senior Lecturer, Sustainability; Executive Director, MIT Climate Policy Center
Purinton, Tracy
Senior Lecturer and Advisor, MIT Leadership Center
Ready, Douglas
Senior Lecturer, Work and Organization Studies
Reagans, Ray
Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Management
Rhee, James C.
Senior Lecturer
Richardson, John
Lecturer, Work and Organization Studies
Rowe, Mary
Adjunct Professor, Work and Organization Studies
Scharmer, Otto
Senior Lecturer, Work and Organization Studies
Senge, Peter M.
Senior Lecturer, Leadership and Sustainability
Silbey, Susan
Leon and Anne Goldberg Professor of Humanities
Stansbury, Anna
Class of 1948 Career Development Assistant Professor
Tewfik, Basima
Assistant Professor, Work and Organization Studies
van Loon, Austin
Assistant Professor, Work and Organization Studies
Van Maanen, John
Erwin H. Schell Professor of Management Emeritus
White, Dana
Wilmers, Nathan
Sarofim Family Career Development Associate Professor
Yates, JoAnne
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management, Emerita
Gibbons, Robert
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management
Malone, Thomas W.
Patrick J. McGovern (1959) Professor of Management
Orlikowski, Wanda
Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Management
Repenning, Nelson P.
School of Management Distinguished Professor of System Dynamics and Organization Studies
Sterman, John D.
Jay W. Forrester Professor of Management
Ton, Zeynep
Professor of the Practice, Operations Management
Zuckerman Sivan, Ezra W.
Alvin J. Siteman (1948) Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategy

Applied Cooperation Initiative

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Rand, David G.
Erwin H. Schell Professor

Behavioral Research Lab

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Curhan, Jared R.
Gordon Kaufman Professor of Management
Prelec, Drazen
Digital Equipment Corp. Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management

Center for Development and Entrepreneurship at MIT

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Murray, Fiona E.
William Porter (1967) Professor of Entrepreneurship

Climate Policy Center

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Knittel, Christopher
Associate Dean for Climate and Sustainability
George P. Shultz Professor

Consumer Finance Initiative

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Choukhmane, Taha
Class of 1947 Career Development Assistant Professor
Farboodi, Maryam
Jon D. Gruber Career Development Associate Professor
Kogan, Leonid
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Professor of Management
Merton, Robert C.
School of Management Distinguished Professor of Finance
Palmer, Christopher J.
Associate Professor, Finance
Parker, Jonathan A.
Robert C. Merton (1970) Professor of Financial Economics
Schmidt, Lawrence D. W.
Victor J. Menezes (1972) Career Development Assistant Professor of Finance
Schoar, Antoinette
Stewart C. Myers-Horn Family Professor of Finance
Shroff, Nemit
School of Management Distinguished Professor
Suri, Tavneet
Louis E. Seley Professor of Applied Economics
Thesmar, David
Franco Modigliani Professor of Financial Economics
Tucker, Catherine
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management
Verner, Emil
Albert F. (1942) & Jeanne P. Clear Career Development Associate Professor in Global Management

Cybersecurity at MIT Sloan (CAMS) Research Consortium

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Madnick, Stuart
John Norris Maguire (1960) Professor of Information Technology
Pal, Ranjan
Research Scientist
Pearlson, Keri
Executive Director, CAMS
Siegel, Michael D.
Principal Research Scientist

Food Supply Chain Analytics and Sensing Initiative

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Huang, Yasheng
Epoch Foundation Professor of International Management
Levi, Retsef
J. Spencer Standish (1945) Professor of Management
Perakis, Georgia
John C Head III Dean (Interim), MIT Sloan School of Management
Zheng, Y. Karen
George M. Bunker Associate Professor

Institute for Work and Employment Research

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Ashford, Nicholas A.
Professor of Technology & Policy Director, Technology & Law Program
Castilla, Emilio J.
NTU Professor of Management
Kelly, Erin
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Work and Organization Studies
Kochan, Thomas
George Maverick Bunker Professor of Management, Emeritus
McKersie, Robert B.
Professor Emeritus of Management
Osterman, Paul
Nanyang Technological University Professor Emeritus
Silbey, Susan
Leon and Anne Goldberg Professor of Humanities
Stansbury, Anna
Class of 1948 Career Development Assistant Professor
Wilmers, Nathan
Sarofim Family Career Development Associate Professor

Laboratory for Financial Engineering

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Asquith, Paul
Gordon Y Billard Professor of Finance
Bertsimas, Dimitris
Boeing Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management
Chen, Hui
Nomura Professor of Finance
Cox, John C.
Nomura Professor of Finance, Emeritus
Kogan, Leonid
Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Professor of Management
Lo, Andrew W.
Charles E. and Susan T. Harris Professor
Rigobon, Roberto
Society of Sloan Fellows Professor of Management
Schoar, Antoinette
Stewart C. Myers-Horn Family Professor of Finance
Stoker, Thomas
Gordon Y Billard Professor in Management and Economics, Emeritus
Wang, Jiang
Mizuho Financial Group Professor

Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship

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Akula, John L.
Senior Lecturer, Law
Aulet, Bill
Ethernet Inventors Professor of the Practice at the MIT Sloan School of Management
Chu, Zen
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Cusumano, Michael A.
Sloan Management Review Distinguished Professor of Management
Fleming, Jonathan J.
Senior Lecturer, Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
Hadzima, Joseph G.
Senior Lecturer, Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
Huang, Yasheng
Epoch Foundation Professor of International Management
Hynes, Tod
Senior Lecturer, Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
Johnson, Simon
Ronald A. Kurtz (1954) Professor of Entrepreneurship
Lo, Andrew W.
Charles E. and Susan T. Harris Professor
Loessberg, Shari
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Murray, Fiona E.
William Porter (1967) Professor of Entrepreneurship
Sayeed, Imran
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Schoar, Antoinette
Stewart C. Myers-Horn Family Professor of Finance
von Hippel, Eric Arthur
T. Wilson (1953) Professor in Management
Zarur, Andrey
Lecturer, Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship

MIT Center for Collective Intelligence

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Ancona, Deborah L.
Seley Distinguished Professor of Management
Eppinger, Steven
General Motors Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management
Madnick, Stuart
John Norris Maguire (1960) Professor of Information Technology
Malone, Thomas W.
Patrick J. McGovern (1959) Professor of Management
Orlikowski, Wanda
Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Management
Prelec, Drazen
Digital Equipment Corp. Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management
Sterman, John D.
Jay W. Forrester Professor of Management
von Hippel, Eric Arthur
T. Wilson (1953) Professor in Management
Wladawsky-Berger, Irving
Yates, JoAnne
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management, Emerita

MIT Center for Information Systems Research

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Orlikowski, Wanda
Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Management
Weill, Peter
Senior Research Scientist
Wixom, Barbara
Principal Research Scientist
Woerner, Stephanie
Principal Research Scientist

MIT Cryptoeconomics Lab

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Catalini, Christian
Research Scientist
Tucker, Catherine
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Management

MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy

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Golding, Edward
Executive Director MIT Golub Center for Finance and Policy/Senior Lecturer
Lo, Andrew W.
Charles E. and Susan T. Harris Professor
Lucas, Deborah J.
Sloan Distinguished Professor of Finance
Merton, Robert C.
School of Management Distinguished Professor of Finance
Parker, Jonathan A.
Robert C. Merton (1970) Professor of Financial Economics

MIT Leadership Center

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Akinc, Bridget Scott
Senior Lecturer
Ancona, Deborah L.
Seley Distinguished Professor of Management
Bentley, Pat
Senior Lecturer, MIT Leadership Center
Carroll, John S.
Gordon Kaufman Professor of Management, Emeritus
Giardella, Daena
Senior Lecturer, MIT Leadership Center
Hafrey, Leigh
Senior Lecturer, Communication and Ethics
Johnson, Elsbeth
Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management
Kelly, Christine
Senior Lecturer, Managerial Communication
Orlikowski, Wanda
Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Management
Purinton, Tracy
Senior Lecturer and Advisor, MIT Leadership Center
Reagans, Ray
Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Management
Repenning, Nelson P.
School of Management Distinguished Professor of System Dynamics and Organization Studies
Sastry, Anjali
Senior Lecturer, Global Economics and Management
Scharmer, Otto
Senior Lecturer, Work and Organization Studies
Senge, Peter M.
Senior Lecturer, Leadership and Sustainability
Tan, Jayne
Lecturer, Global Economics and Management (GEM)

MIT Sloan Health Systems Initiative

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Doyle, Joseph
Erwin H. Schell Professor of Management
Kellogg, Kate
David J. McGrath jr (1959) Professor of Management and Innovation
Quaadgras, Anne
Senior Lecturer, Operations Management

Sustainability Initiative at MIT Sloan

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Jay, Jason
Senior Lecturer, Sustainability
Patten, Bethany
Senior Lecturer, Sustainability; Executive Director, MIT Climate Policy Center
Rigobon, Roberto
Society of Sloan Fellows Professor of Management
Sterman, John D.
Jay W. Forrester Professor of Management

The MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy

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Aral, Sinan
David Austin Professor of Management
Bertsimas, Dimitris
Boeing Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management
Carroll, John S.
Gordon Kaufman Professor of Management, Emeritus
Cusumano, Michael A.
Sloan Management Review Distinguished Professor of Management
Fernandez, Roberto
Professor; William F. Pounds Professor in Management
Fine, Charles
Chrysler Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management
Hauser, John R.
Kirin Professor of Marketing
Kellogg, Kate
David J. McGrath jr (1959) Professor of Management and Innovation
Kochan, Thomas
George Maverick Bunker Professor of Management, Emeritus
Kothari, S.P.
Gordon Y Billard Professor of Accounting and Finance
Little, John D.C.
Institute Professor, Emeritus
Madnick, Stuart
John Norris Maguire (1960) Professor of Information Technology
Malone, Thomas W.
Patrick J. McGovern (1959) Professor of Management
McAfee, Andrew Paul
Principal Research Scientist
Orlikowski, Wanda
Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Management
Orlin, James B.
E. Pennell Brooks (1917) Professor in Management
Perakis, Georgia
John C Head III Dean (Interim), MIT Sloan School of Management
Prelec, Drazen
Digital Equipment Corp. Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management
Urban, Glen
MIT Sloan School Dean, Emeritus
David Austin Professor in Marketing, Emeritus
von Hippel, Eric Arthur
T. Wilson (1953) Professor in Management
Welsch, Roy E.
Eastman Kodak Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management

Virtual Customer Initiative

Back to Top
Hauser, John R.
Kirin Professor of Marketing
Orlin, James B.
E. Pennell Brooks (1917) Professor in Management
Prelec, Drazen
Digital Equipment Corp. Leaders for Global Operations Professor of Management
Urban, Glen
MIT Sloan School Dean, Emeritus
David Austin Professor in Marketing, Emeritus
von Hippel, Eric Arthur
T. Wilson (1953) Professor in Management