Hazhir Rahmandad


Hazhir Rahmandad

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Hazhir Rahmandad is the Schussel Family Professor of Management Science and a Professor of System Dynamics at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Hazhir's research shows how complex organizational dynamics can lead to heterogeneity in organizational practices and outcomes. He has analyzed how organizations learn in the presence of delays between taking action and observing the results, and has shown through empirical data and simulations the resulting learning challenges. Hazhir's strategy research has explored the shape of organizational performance landscapes, capability development tradeoffs under competition, and erosion of organizational capabilities through adaptation traps. In another stream of work he has studied public health problems, including COVID-19, obesity and depression dynamics, and comparing different modeling methodologies in application to epidemics, among others. Hazhir also contributes to expanding the dynamic modeling toolbox through advancing parameter estimation and validation methods for dynamic models.

Hazhir has published in diverse journals including Management ScienceOrganization ScienceStrategic Management Journal, Strategy Science, Journal of Operations ManagementInternational Journal of Obesity, Lancet Planetary Health, and System Dynamics Review, among others. He has been a reviewer for over 30 NIH and NSF panels and over two dozen different journals, and his research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Department of Housing and Urban Development, and private sector firms.

Hazhir holds a BS in industrial engineering from Sharif University of Technology and a PhD in management with system dynamics concentration from MIT. Before joining MIT Sloan in 2015, Hazhir was an Associate Professor of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Virginia Tech.


Hazhir Rahmandad wins Jay Wright Forrester award


"Evolution and Reproducibility of Simulation Modeling in Epidemiology and Health Policy over Half a Century."

Jalali, Mohammad S., Catherine DiGennaro, Abby Guitar, Karen Lew, and Hazhir Rahmandad. Epidemiological Reviews. Forthcoming.

"How Do Employer Practices Affect Economic Mobility?"

Kelly, Erin L., Hazhir Rahmandad, Nathan Wilmers, and Aishwara Yadama. ILR Review Vol. 76, No. 5 (2023): 792-832.

"Quantifying the COVID-19 Endgame: Is a New Normal within Reach?"

Rahmandad, Hazhir and John Sterman. System Dynamics Review Vol. 38, No. 4 (2022): 329-353.

"Behavioral Responses to Risk Promote Vaccinating High-contact Individuals First."

Rahmandad, Hazhir. System Dynamics Review Vol. 38, No. 3 (2022). SSRN Preprint.

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Press Source: ProQuest

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