Maryam Farboodi


Maryam Farboodi

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Maryam Farboodi is the Jon D. Gruber Career Development Associate Professor and an Associate Professor of Finance at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Her research focuses on the economics of big data. She studies how big data technologies have changed trading strategies and financial outcomes, as well the consequences of the emergence of big data for technological growth in the real economy. She also works on developing methodologies to estimate the value of data. 

Furthermore, Farboodi studies intermediation and network formation among financial institutions, and the spillovers to the real economy. She is also interested in how information frictions shape the local and global economic cycles. Most recently, her research also focuses on understanding the covid-19 pandemic and associated policies.

Previously, Farboodi was an Assistant Professor at the Bendheim Center for Finance at Princeton University. She holds a BSc in computer engineering from Sharif University of Technology, an MSc in computer science from the University of Maryland, College Park, and a joint PhD in financial economics from the Booth School of Business and the Department of Economics at the University of Chicago.


Farboodi receives 2024 Sloan Research Fellowship from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation

February 27, 2024

Farboodi wins 2019 Young Researcher Award

Farboodi wins award from Swiss Finance Institute


"Intermediation and Voluntary Exposure to Counterparty Risk."

Farboodi, Maryam. Journal of Political Economy Vol. 131, No. 2 (2023): 3267-3309. SSRN Preprint.

"Cleansing by Tight Credit: Rational Cycles and Endogenous Lending Standards."

Farboodi, Maryam, and Péter Kondo. Journal of Financial Economics Vol. 150, No. 1 (2023): 46-67.

"Data and Markets."

Farboodi, Maryam, and Laura Veldkamp. Annual Review of Economics Vol. 15, (2023): 23-40. SSRN Preprint.

"Where Has All the Data Gone?"

Farboodi, Maryam, Adrien Matray, Laura Veldkamp, and Venky Venkateswaran. The Review of Financial Studies Vol. 35, No. 7 (2023): 3101–3138. SSRN Preprint.

"A Model of the Data Economy."

Farboodi, Maryam and Laura Veldkamp, MIT Sloan Working Paper 5968-19. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, March 2023.

"The Emergence of Market Structure."

Farboodi, Maryam, Gregor Jarosch, and Robert Shimer. The Review of Economic Studies Vol. 90, No. 1 (2023): 261-292. SSRN Preprint.

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Press Source: Federal Reserve Bank of New York

The DeFi intermediation chain

"Decentralized Finance, or DeFi, is a rapidly growing ecosystem of financial applications built on blockchain technology."

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