Ezra W. Zuckerman Sivan


Ezra W. Zuckerman Sivan

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Ezra Zuckerman Sivan is  the Alvin J. Siteman (1948) Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship. He is also cofounder of MIT Sloan's PhD Program in Economic Sociology.

Zuckerman Sivan is an economic sociologist whose research focuses on showing how an understanding of fundamental social processes is important for shedding light on key issues in business and management, as well as how an appreciation for the dynamics of business and management inform our understanding of fundamental social processes.  He is perhaps best known for demonstrating the importance of categorical structures in shaping valuation in various markets.  

Zuckerman Sivan's master's and executive level teaching centers on competitive and technology strategy, and he teaches two doctoral courses, "Sociology of Strategy" and "Identity and Action."

He holds a BA in political science from Columbia University as well as an MA and a PhD in sociology from the University of Chicago.



"Your Ancestors Worked Hard for this Legitimacy! Theory and Experiment on the Inauthenticity of Second Movers."

Ha, Jaekyung, Stine Grodal, and Ezra Zuckerman Sivan. Organization Science. Forthcoming.

"When Truth Trumps Facts: Studies on Partisan Moral Flexibility in American Politics."

Kim, Minjae, Oliver Hahl, Ethan Poskanzer, and Ezra Zuckerman Sivan. American Journal of Sociology Vol. 130, No. 1 (2024): 193-240.

"It's About Showing Good Faith, Not Avoiding Shows of Weakness: Reworking Leifer's 'Local Action' to Build a Robust Theory of Reciprocity."

Friis, Simon and Ezra Zuckerman Sivan. Advances in Group Processes Vol. 40, (2023): 71-89.

"On the Inauthenticity of First Movers and Authenticity of Second Movers: How Demand is Shaped by Legitimation Work."

Ha, Jaekyung, Stine Grodal, and Ezra Zuckerman Sivan. Advances in Strategic Management Vol. 43, (2023): 91-114.

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Executive Education

Executive Education Course

Developing and Managing a Successful Technology Strategy

This intensive program details a unique and powerful approach to integrating business and technology strategy and to developing profitable ventures and technologies. Participants are introduced to a set of tools to identify high-leverage projects, match product strategy to market dynamics, capture market value, and change organizational capabilities to reflect evolving markets and technological dynamics.

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  • Oct 22-23, 2024
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