Jiang Wang


Jiang Wang

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Jiang Wang is the Mizuho Financial Group Professor and a Professor of Finance at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Wang’s research focuses on the pricing of financial assets and investment and risk management. He is currently working on the characterization of financial risks, the impact of liquidity on asset prices, optimal trading execution, and optimal portfolio choices. He also is doing research on financial development in China.

Wang holds a BS in physics from Nanjing University, a PhD in theoretical physics from the University of Pennsylvania, and a PhD in finance from the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania.

Current Research Focus: Wang’s recent research focuses on the impact of market frictions on trading strategies, market liquidity, asset pricing, investment and risk management, and market efficiency and stability.  He also conducts research on the Chinese financial market.  Current projects include high frequency trading and market behavior, optimal intervention policy during market crisis, governmental impact on asset pricing, market liquidity and systemic risk, and international financial integration.


"The Dark Side of Circuit Breakers."

Chen, Hui, Anton Petukhov, Jiang Wang, and Hao Xing. The Journal of Finance Vol. 79, No. 2 (2024): 1405-1455.

"A Review of China's Financial Markets."

Xing Hu, Grace and Jiang Wang. Annual Review of Financial Economics Vol. 14, (2022): 465-507.

"Premium for Heightened Uncertainty: Explaining Pre-Announcement Market Returns."

Hu, Grace Xing, Jun Pan, Jiang Wang, and Haoxiang Zhu. Journal of Financial Economics Vol. 145, No. 3 (2022): 909-936. SSRN Preprint.

"Chinese Capital Market: An Empirical Overview."

Hu, Grace Xing, Jun Pan, and Jiang Wang. Critical Finance Review Vol. 10, No. 2 (2021): 125-206. Download Paper.

"Tri-Party Repo Pricing."

Hu, Grace Xing, Jun Pan, and Jiang Wang. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Vol. 56, No. 1 (2021): 337-371.

"Trading and Information in Futures Markets."

Llorente, Guillermo and Jiang Wang. The Journal of Futures Markets Vol. 40, No. 8 (2020): 1231-1263. Download Paper.

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