Emilio J. Castilla


Emilio J. Castilla

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Emilio J. Castilla is the NTU Professor of Management and a Professor of Work and Organization Studies at the MIT Sloan School of Management.

Castilla is currently the co-director of the Institute for Work and Employment Research. He joined the MIT Sloan faculty in 2005, after being a faculty member in the Management Department of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. He is a member of the Institute for Work and Employment Research at MIT, as well as a Research Fellow at the Wharton Financial Institutions Center, and at the Center for Human Resources at the Wharton School.

His research primarily focuses on the sociological aspects of work and employment. Castilla is particularly interested in studying how social and organizational processes influence key organizational and employment processes and outcomes over time. He tackles his research questions by examining different empirical settings with longitudinal datasets, both at the individual and company levels. His focus is on the recruitment, hiring, development, and job mobility of employees within and across organizations and locations, as well as on the impact of teamwork and social relations on performance and innovation. His work has been published in top academic journals and edited volumes, including Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, American Journal of Sociology, and American Sociological Review. He has also written a book on the use of longitudinal methods in social science research (Elsevier/Academic Press).

Castilla has taught in various degree programs at MIT Sloan, the Wharton School, and a number of other international universities. His teaching interests include Strategic Human Resource Management, Strategies for People Analytics, Leading Effective Organizations, Talent Management, Career Management, and Organizational Behavior. In addition to teaching full-time MBA and executive courses, he has taught several PhD-level courses.


Richard Beckhard Memorial Prize awarded to Emilio J. Castilla


"The Gendering of Job Postings in the Online Recruitment Process."

Castilla, Emilio J., and Hye Jin Rho. Management Science Vol. 69, No. 11 (2023): 6912-6939. Download Replication Files.

"Through the Front Door: Why Do Organizations (Still) Prefer Legacy Applicants?"

Castilla, Emilio J. and Ethan J. Poskanzer. American Sociological Review Vol. 87, No. 5 (2022): 782–826.

"Gender, Race, and Network Advantage in Organizations."

Castilla, Emilio J. Organization Science Vol. 33, No. 6 (2022): 2364-2403.

"Six Labor Policies We Need Now."

Kelly, Erin L., Emilio J. Castilla, Thomas A. Kochan, Barbara Dyer, Paul Osterman, and Nathan Wilmers. Boston Review, September 4, 2020.

"How Managers Understand and Apply Merit in the Workplace."

Castilla, Emilio J. Work in Progress: Sociology on the Economy, Work, and Inequality Blog. American Sociological Association, June 2020.

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