Action Learning

Action Learning

USA Lab host Dasjon Jordan supports community and commerce in New Orleans

As a city planning student at MIT, Dasjon Jordan, SM ’19, served on the boards of the Department of Urban Studies and Planning Student Council and the Students of Color Committee. He wanted to complete an Action Learning project before he graduated, but his packed schedule of classes and activities didn’t allow it. Flash forward, and Jordan finally got his chance—as a USA Lab host.

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Bringing theory to life

Simply put, Action Learning is learning by doing. Following MIT’s “mens et manus,” or mind and hand philosophy, student teams apply classroom learning to real management opportunities and challenges to become principled, innovative leaders. Through this project work with host organizations, students learn how to work in teams, define and address problems, and reflect on their learning experiences. Though the content of each Action Learning lab or course is unique, these central themes remain the same. 

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