
15-1 Restricted Electives

Choose 2 of 4 Restricted Electives

Managerial Finance 

15.401, Managerial Finance 
Prereq: None
Units: 3-3-9
Introduction to finance with a lab component that puts theory into practice. Designed to build effective decision-making skills for business and to develop hands-on analytical techniques that are used by investment managers and traders. Lectures provide a firm grounding in financial analysis--determining the value of a decision, deciding how to finance a project, and assessing its risk. Lab sessions introduce students to modern tools and methods used in financial markets. Through team projects, students develop and test asset-pricing models, forecasting methods, and investment strategies using real-world market data. Provides instruction in writing and speaking from a financial perspective. Meets with 15.401 when offered concurrently. 

15.417 Laboratory in Investments [LAB. CI-M] 
Prereq: None
Units: 3-3-9
Introduction to finance with a lab component that puts theory into practice. Designed to build effective decision-making skills for business and to develop hands-on analytical techniques that are used by investment managers and traders. Lectures provide a firm grounding in financial analysis--determining the value of a decision, deciding how to finance a project, and assessing its risk. Lab sessions introduce students to modern tools and methods used in financial markets. Through team projects, students develop and test asset-pricing models, forecasting methods, and investment strategies using real-world market data. Provides instruction in writing and speaking from a financial perspective. Meets with 15.401 when offered concurrently.


Operations Management

15.761 Introduction to Operations Management 
Prereq: 6.370015.060, or permission of instructor
Units: 4-0-5
Credit cannot also be received for 15.73415.7611
You must participate in Sloan's Course Bidding to take this subject.
Imparts concepts, techniques, and tools to design, analyze, and improve core operational capabilities and apply them to a broad range of domains and industries. Emphasizes the effect of uncertainty in decision-making, as well as the interplay among high-level financial objectives, operational capabilities, and people and organizational issues. Covers topics in capacity analysis, process design, process and business innovation, inventory management, risk pooling, supply chain coordination, sustainable operations, quality management, operational risk management, pricing and revenue management. Underscores how these topics are integrated with different functions of the firm. Case studies and simulation games provide experience in applying central concepts and techniques to solve real-world business challenges. Meets with 15.7611 when offered concurrently. Expectations and evaluation criteria differ for students taking graduate version. Summer section is primarily for Leaders for Global Operations students.

15.7611 Introduction to Operations Management
Prereq: 15.06918.600, or permission of instructor
Units: 4-0-5
Credit cannot also be received for 15.73415.761
Imparts concepts, techniques, and tools to design, analyze, and improve core operational capabilities and apply them to a broad range of domains and industries. Emphasizes the effect of uncertainty in decision-making, as well as the interplay among high-level financial objectives, operational capabilities, and people and organizational issues. Covers topics in capacity analysis, process design, process and business innovation, inventory management, risk pooling, supply chain coordination, sustainable operations, quality management, operational risk management, pricing and revenue management. Underscores how these topics are integrated with different functions of the firm. Case studies and simulation games provide experience in applying central concepts and techniques to solve real-world business challenges. Meets with 15.761 when offered concurrently. Expectations and evaluation criteria differ for students taking graduate version.



15.814 Marketing Innovation
Prereq: None
Units: 3-0-6
Credit cannot also be received for 15.73215.8141
You must participate in Sloan's Course Bidding to take this subject.
Develops the skills necessary to market innovations, including new products, services, concepts, and customer experiences. Covers how to select the right market, target that market effectively, position a product or service for maximum success, and combine analytics, frameworks, and research for maximum potential. Emphasizes both marketing theory and practice: proven solutions to marketing problems, case sessions to illustrate the application of these techniques in various industries, and practice sessions to apply these techniques to real problems.

15.8141 Marketing Innovation
Prereq: None
Units: 3-0-6
Credit cannot also be received for 15.73215.814
Develops the skills necessary to market innovations, including new products, services, concepts, and customer experiences. Covers how to select the right market, target that market effectively, position a product or service for maximum success, and combine analytics, frameworks, and research for maximum potential. Emphasizes both marketing theory and practice: proven solutions to marketing problems, case sessions to illustrate the application of these techniques in various industries, and practice sessions to apply these techniques to real problems.

Strategic Management

15.9001 Competitive Strategy
Prereq: None
Units: 3-0-6
Credit cannot also be received for 15.900
Explores a wide range of strategic problems, focusing particularly on the sources of competitive advantage and the interaction between industry structure and organizational capabilities. Introduces a wide variety of modern strategy frameworks and methodologies. Builds upon and integrates material from core topics, such as economics and organizational processes. Meets with 15.900 when offered concurrently. Expectations and evaluation criteria differ for students taking graduate version; consult syllabus or instructor for specific details.

15.900 Competitive Strategy
Prereq: None
Units: 3-0-6
Credit cannot also be received for 15.9001 
You must participate in Sloan's Course Bidding to take this subject.
Explores a wide range of strategic problems, focusing particularly on the sources of competitive advantage and the interaction between industry structure and organizational capabilities. Introduces a wide variety of modern strategy frameworks and methodologies. Builds upon and integrates material from core topics, such as economics and organizational processes. Meets with 15.9001 when offered concurrently. Expectations and evaluation criteria differ for students taking graduate version; consult syllabus or instructor for specific details.