Recent research from MIT Sloan experts.
How generative AI affects highly skilled workers
When software developers were given access to an AI coding tool, productivity increased — particularly among newer hires and more junior employees.
An AI chatbot can reduce belief in conspiracy theories
The artificial intelligence-powered “DebunkBot” reduced individuals’ belief in conspiracy theories and lessened their conspiratorial mindset, according to a new study.
In election cycles, voters tend to believe news that confirms their biases
When individuals assess the truthfulness of political news during an election period, their beliefs become significantly more partisan, research finds.
GDPR reduced firms’ data and computation use
A new study finds a 26% decline in data storage and a 20% increase in the cost of data.
New research examines ways the generative AI marketplace might evolve
The race for dominance in the AI marketplace hinges on who controls its complementary assets, researchers assert.
4 developmental tasks you — and everyone else — will face in retirement
First: Deciding to retire.
How to build a successful multi-sided platform
A Salesforce case study shows how organizations can make sure digital platforms meet the needs of customers, partners, and internal developers.
5 insights into the digital economy from MIT researchers
Research about quantum computing, companies run by “geeks,” and how artificial intelligence will affect workers.
Federal spending was responsible for the 2022 spike in inflation
Many experts and observers blamed 2022’s high inflation on the pandemic’s backlogged supply chain. New research shows that assessment is inaccurate.
The impact of misleading headlines on Facebook
New research found an overlooked source that slowed vaccination rates in the U.S.: misleading headlines from mainstream news sources.