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Human Resources

“People and Profits” Class Highlighted by Bloomberg

A new Bloomberg article on the growth of MBA offerings focused on the future of work features MIT Sloan’s “People and Profits” class, an innovative course both developed and currently taught by IWER faculty.

The article, titled “Columbia, MIT Explore the Future of Work With New Business School Courses” notes that MIT Sloan Assistant Professor Anna Stansbury, who teaches “People and Profits,” requires students to interview frontline workers as part of the class.

MIT Sloan Assistant Professor Anna Stansbury teaches "People and Profits."

"The pandemic laid bare how disempowered people are. We saw so many frontline workers not even get basic concessions, like paid leave for Covid,” Stansbury told Bloomberg writer Matthew Boyle. “So there’s a huge interest in figuring out how we can make the system work better.”

Read the Bloomberg article.