"The Role of Optimization in Some Recent Advances in Data-driven Decision-making."

Baardman, Lennart, Rares Cristian, Georgia Perakis, Divya Singhvi, Omar Skali Lami, and Leann Thayaparan. Mathematical Programming Vol. 200, No. 1 (2023): 1-35.

"COVID-19: A Multipeak SIR Based Model: Learning Waves and Optimizing Interventions."

Perakis, Georgia, Divya Singhvi, Omar Skali Lami, and Leann Thayaparan. Production and Operations Management Vol. 32, No. 5 (2023): 1471-1489. Download Paper.

"COVID-19: Prediction, Prevalence, and the Operations of Vaccine Allocation."

Bennouna, Amine, Joshua Joseph, David Nze-Ndong, Georgia Perakis, Divya Singhvi, Omar Skali Lami, Yannis Spantidakis, Leann Thayaparan, and Asterios Tsiourvas. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Vol. 25, No. 3 (2023): 1013-1032.

"Impact of Social Learning on Consumer Subsidies and Supplier Capacity for Green Technology Adoption."

Ren, Hang, Tingliang Huang, and Georgia Perakis, MIT Sloan Working Paper 6876-23. Cambridge, MA: MIT Sloan School of Management, April 2023.

"High-Low Promotion Policies for Peak-End Demand Models."

Cohen-Hillel, Tamar, Kiran Panchamgam, and Georgia Perakis. Management Science Vol. 69, No. 4 (2023): 2016-2050.

"Robust Pricing and Production with Information Partitioning and Adaptation."

Perakis, Georgia, Melvyn Sim, Qinshen Tang, and Peng Xiong. Management Science Vol. 69, No. 3 (2023): 1398-1419.

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