"Consumer Trust in Social Responsibility Communications: The Role of Supply Chain Visibility."

Kraft, Tim, León Valdés, and Y. Karen Zheng. Production and Operations Management Vol. 31, No. 11 (2022): 4113-4130.

"Artificial Shortage in Agricultural Supply Chains."

Levi, Retsef, Somya Singhvi, and Y. Karen Zheng. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Vol. 24, No. 2 (2022): 746-765. Supplemental Material.

"How Supply Chain Transparency Boosts Business Value."

Kraft, Tim, and Y. Karen Zheng. MIT Sloan Management Review, September 2021.

"A Tale of Two Food Chains: The Duality of Practices on Well-being."

Roth, Aleda and Y. Karen Zheng. Production and Operations Management Vol. 30, No. 3 (2021): 783-801.

"Network Trust and Trust Behaviors among Executives in Supply Chain Interactions."

Choi, Emily, Özalp Özer, and Y. Karen Zheng. Management Science Vol. 66, No. 12 (2020): 5823-5849. Download Paper.

"Motivating Supplier Social Responsibility under Incomplete Visibility."

Kraft, Tim, León Valdés, and Y. Karen Zheng. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Vol. 22, No. 6 (2020): 1268-1286. Download Paper.

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