"Value Network Dynamics in 3G-4G Wireless Communications: A Systems Thinking Approach to Strategic Value Assessment."

Pagani, Margherita and Charles H. Fine. Journal of Business Research Vol. 61, No. 11 (2008): 1102–1112.

"Value Chain Design and Three-Dimensional Concurrent Engineering."

Fine, Charles H. In Business Eco-Systems: Relationships between large and Small Firms, edited by Ki-Chan Kim, Seoul, South Korea : Federation of Korean Industries, 2006.

"Are you Modular or Integral? Be Sure your Supply Chain Knows."

Fine, Charles H. Strategy + Business, May 23, 2005.

"Modeling Tradeoffs in Three-Dimensional Concurrent Engineering."

Fine, Charles H., Boaz Golany and H. Naseraldin. Journal of Operations Management Vol. 23, No. 3-4 (2005): 389-403.

"Exploding Edges and Potential for Disruption."

Fine, Charles H., N. Klym and D. Trossen. In RFID and Beyond: Growing Your Business through Real World Awareness, edited by Claus Heinrich, 221-239. Indianapolis, Indiana : Wiley, 2005.


Fine, Charles H. and Daniel Raff. In Technological Innovation and Economic Performance, edited by Benn Steil, David Victor, and Richard Nelson, 416-433. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002.

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