Ideas Made to Matter Technology

Google’s Sundar Pichai on tech as an agent for change


Artificial intelligence is a profound technology “as important or more than fire and electricity,” according to Alphabet’s Sundar Pichai.

Mar 17, 2022
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Ideas Made to Matter Social Media

How can social platforms protect kids from hateful speech?


Researchers analyzed 110 million YouTube comments. Their recommendation: Use algorithms to hide toxic speech, then follow up with human review.

Feb 28, 2022
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Ideas Made to Matter Artificial Intelligence

Why ‘the future of AI is the future of work’


In a new book about how technology will affect workers, MIT experts explain how AI is far from replacing humans — but still changing occupations.

Jan 31, 2022
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Ideas Made to Matter Artificial Intelligence

Machine learning developers should talk to end users


Machine learning tools only work if people use and trust them. To achieve this, developers and end users should have a back-and-forth conversation.

Jan 26, 2022
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